Interior Designers

Interior Designers

Do you know what the Interior Designer is? Dayane Maia Designer graduated in Curitiba Brazil explains that she is the professional responsible for the aesthetics and functionality of the internal space of a building, whether residential or corporate. Therefore, aspects such as the size of the environment, ergonomics, proportions, colors, decoration, among others, must be taken into account.

The design of the property is the means for the interior designer to present to the client the solutions designed for the environment. The layout of the rooms must be present, their size, in addition, it is possible to locate up to the indicated positioning of the furniture in each room.
With the advancement of technology, project visualization has become more and more realistic. The client can perfectly visualize how the result of the service will be.

The first step to develop an interior design project is to study the distribution of the place, that is, the available space, from plugs, electrical, hydraulic points, for example. Based on this information, aesthetic and functional solutions will be proposed.

Another very important point of the role of the Interior Designer is to think about the adequate lighting for the environment. It is necessary to understand the need to use each space and propose strategic solutions for each of them. And of course, the colors that will make up the environment are also a fundamental part of the final result of the project.

All this aforementioned information will be thought based on the considerations made by the client, according to their preferences and need for use. Besides
of the available budget.

Many people still see interior design as a luxury service and end up not seeing the value in investing in it. Which is a big mistake, after all, the interior of an environment, whether residential or commercial, is the most important part of a construction. It is where people will spend most of their time. It's an investment that reduces time and waste.

And this goes far beyond designing an aesthetically pleasing environment, each space in the environment must be thought strategically, looking for quality, comfort and, of course, also aesthetic appreciation.

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